Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Media Trends Blog 8, Question 1 (Thursday, April 15th)

What do you think is the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having the biggest impact on both professionals and users/consumers?

*Note: For the final blog posting, you must still use three readings to support your responses. They can be from any point in the semester and they must be assigned readings for the class (no additional outside article/source required).  Limit: 9 responses


  1. Alyssa Murphy

    The most impactful trend that has cut across all media industries recently is the rise in on-demand streaming. Whether looking at television, music, or film, streaming has an impact on consumers and media professionals alike, and it seems to be at the center of every conversation.

    Streaming has impacted the television industry heavily. Consumers of television can now watch what they want, when they want. A Nielsen report noted “the most-viewed pieces of content on streaming platforms overall weren’t simply the original ones: They were the older shows that first found success on more traditional channels.” As people’s desires to watch their comfort shows rise, the need for linear TV declines. Many are adjusting to the satisfaction of having their favorite TV shows available whenever they want, rather than hopefully landing on an episode they like through linear TV and having to record it. For professionals, this means that acquisition of television programming and holding the ownership of shows is where the money lies. Outside of the sports world, the need for linear TV is decreasing sharply, meaning networks and streaming services must try and acquire the most valuable streaming properties.

    In regards to the music industry, streaming impacts artists and listeners greatly. The rise in streaming means that less physical and digital copies of music are being purchased. For consumers, this means monthly subscriptions to streaming services are common, and they can listen to what they want on demand. Labels are not impacted too negatively from this shift -- they have to pair with streaming services and work together to have a stake in revenue. The group that takes the biggest blow from the rise in streaming is artists. Although streaming gives a new channel for independent artists to release music on their own, it is hard for artists to find success in this way due to the disparities in payment. Independent artist Curtis Waters mentioned “I didn’t have health insurance and stuff, so I was like, ‘Man, I’m going to die if I don’t make money soon’” (Cirisano). Artists primarily make their money from royalties gained through streams, because physical copies of music are being purchased less. The payment rates for royalties are extremely low, so artists have a hard time finding success.

    Streaming also impacts the film industry immensely. One of the greatest topics of conversation regarding film today, specifically after the pandemic, is the future of movie theaters. Steven Zeitchik writes, “Warner Bros. on Thursday shocked the entertainment world by saying it would put all of its 2021 movies … on HBO Max at the same time they play in theaters.” The pandemic created a rise in at-home film releases in contrast to theatrical ones, and this trend is seeming to stick. Viewers of films are finding comfort in not having to pay high prices for theatrical releases when they can watch from the comfort of their own homes. This means that companies may start shifting to more at-home releases, just like Warner Bros. is doing with HBO Max, and less films will be sold to theaters. Streaming could bring the downfall of theaters in the future.

    1. Works Cited:

      Cirisano, Tatiana. "From TikTok To Handmade Merch, Independent Artists Talk Staying Afloat In the Pandemic." Billboard 14 Nov. 2020,

      "Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped," 12 Jan. 2021,

      Zeitchick, Steven. "In Major Break from Tradition, Warner Bros. Moves to Debut All Its 2021 Movies Simultaneously on HBO Max and In Theaters." Washington Post 3 December 2020,

  2. Austin Pappolla (1/2)
    In my opinion, the most important trend across all industries are content creators and social media influencers. In the last decade, they have taken the world by storm. They have simultaneously gained the attention of consumers and companies due to their overwhelming platforms. They are everywhere. Some of them have become so popular that they have even expanded into the film, music, and sports industries. They are so incredibly marketable that they can draw interest to any industry they are a part of. Take Jake Paul for example. He might get a lot of hate, but he brings major interest wherever he goes regardless of the reasoning. He has been a part of sports through boxing matches and has tried his hand at rapping. And this is true for so many other influencers. They’re being asked to be in movies, take part in interviews, and be a part of the advertising business. Each and every one of these influencers has their own dedicated fan base who are often times willing to support them beyond watching their content by spending money. It is clear that the industry has taken notice of this. According to Lexie Carbone of, influencer marketing is set to become a 15+ billion dollar industry by 2022. Not only that, but close to two thirds of marketers are looking to increase their influencer marketing budgets (Carbone). With platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitch all pulling in millions of users, the media industry has no choice but to pay these influencers to promote their businesses. They can make a profit thanks to the loyal fans who are willing to buy products if their favorite influencers endorse them. Unlike typical commercials and ads, influencer promotion provides higher chances of a profit. The loyal fans of these influencers feel connected to them. It’s not like when a random actor or commentator promotes a product or brand. Influencers connect with their supporters on a personal level.

  3. Austin Pappolla (2/2)
    As Lauren Meltzer of CBS Moneywatch puts it, this is helpful because influencers are more likely to promote something that relates to their interests, which also will more than likely be in the interest of their followers as well (Meltzer). Look at someone like Addison Rae. Using her platform, she has represented American Eagle due to her love for clothing. She has well over 70 million followers and many of them are going to be girls her age who are into clothing and purchasing products to support their favorite Tik Tok creator. Social media influencers are dominating the industry. People are online using their phones, computers, and other devices constantly. These influencers have become a primary source of entertainment and sense of community. In an online world where it is easier than ever to have your voice be heard, fans are able to connect with their favorite influencers often. Martin Luenendonk from describes it in the best way. Unlike major celebrities, , many influencers feel like real people thanks to their daily interaction with fans and sharing their personal lives with others (Luenendonk). As the world continues to embrace internet culture more and other big time influencer apps come out, more consumers and professionals will flock to them as it becomes an even bigger entertainment trend. Businesses have recognized this and are now giving these influencers more opportunities than ever to play a role in other major industries. And as they get more of these opportunities, it only gives them more exposure to potential fans from these other industries who may not have heard of them.

    Works Cited
    Carbone, Lexie. "Top 8 Influencer Marketing Trends Coming in 2021." Later 5 Dec. 2020.

    Luenendonk, Martin. "Earning Power: Here’s How Much Top Influencers Can Make on Instagram and YouTube." Cleverism 24 Nov. 2020,

    Meltzer, Lauren. "The State of Influencer Marketing 2021: Benchmark Report." Influencer Marketing Hub 15 Feb. 2021.,of%20%249.7%20billion%20in%202020.

  4. Kenneth Gruenfelder

    The most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having a huge impact on both professionals and users/consumers is streaming services. For the most part, Netflix was the main streaming platform that people would use and was very successful. However,the Pandemic has changed that with the emergence of many other streaming platforms which has led to many studios and companies experimenting with these platforms. This has changed how studios distribute their new content and how consumers and users watch that content. HBO Max is one of the newer streaming platforms and Warner Bros. have released their movies simultaneously on HBO MAX and in theaters. According to the article “In Major Break from Tradition, Warner Bros. Moves to Debut All Its 2021 Movies Simultaneously on HBO Max and In Theaters,” it says that “The move suggests that Warner Bros. and corporate parent AT&T are hoping to boost HBO Max at the expense of theaters, not simply reacting to the pandemic. But in at least temporarily undoing the time-honored practice of “windowing” — bringing movies exclusively to theaters first — they also could create long-lasting consumer implications.”(Zeitchik) This may continue with movies being released both in theaters and on streaming platforms at the same time. Many people may find it safer to watch new movies at home so many studios may continue to use this hybrid method to satisfy their consumers. Also with many theaters possibly closing down permanently, it might be possible that we can see some movies being released exclusively on streaming services.

    1. Kenneth Gruenfelder

      It is clearly obvious that there is a shift in how content will be distributed to consumers. According to the article “U.S. Box Office Fell 80 Percent in 2020 as Streaming Boomed,” it says that “For the first time, subscribers of online services crossed one billion to top out at 1.1 billion, a 26 percent gain over 2019 (that included 306.8 billion subscriptions in the U.S., a 32 percent spike). All told, the global mobile/home entertainment market generated revenue of $68.8 billion in 2020, a 23 percent jump over 2019 (that excludes cable subs).”(McClintock) In the beginning of the Pandemic many people were stuck in their homes and one of the things that many did was subscribe to streaming service and binge shows/movies. With the massive increase in subscriptions it is only logical for many companies to continue improving and enhance their streaming platforms to get more subscriptions. Another thing that could be put on streaming platforms more is sports. According to the article “How COVID-19 in 2020 Could Impact the Future of Sports,” Ben Strauss of the Washington Post says “Networks continue to think about remote productions and slimmed down productions, so one issue is jobs in sports media. There is also the question of access. On the other side of the pandemic, will sports reporters be able to roam locker rooms before and after games in the same ways they were before and what impact would that have on coverage? We’ve also seen cord-cutting continue and the big media companies think more about streaming and direct-to-consumer, which in the next few years will likely have a bigger impact on how and where fans can watch games.”(Soloman) Live sports like the NFL will have games being exclusively broadcasted on streaming platforms in the future with Amazon Prime getting exclusive rights to Thursday Night Football. It seems as though distributing content will continue move more towards streaming platforms and companies to will continue to make an effort to make their platforms better in order to get consumers to subscribe to theirs.

    2. Kenneth Gruenfelder

      Works Cited

      McClintock, Pamela. "U.S. Box Office Fell 80 Percent in 2020 as Streaming Boomed." The Hollywood Reporter 18 March 2021

      Soloman, Jon. "How COVID-19 in 2020 Could Impact the Future of Sports." Aspen Institute 22 December 2021.

      Zeitchick, Steven. "In Major Break from Tradition, Warner Bros. Moves to Debut All Its 2021 Movies Simultaneously on HBO Max and In Theaters." Washington Post 3 December 2020

  5. Martineau Blog 8

    Shortly after the stock market was compromised by a bunch of strangers on the internet, a new form of trading has emerged. Stocks will soon be seen as old-fashioned as cryptocurrency has unlocked a new way to do business. NFT’s, or non-fungible tokens, are the next big trend not only for professionals but also consumers.

    This new market benefits both creators and consumers. Someone who creates an NFT can make a fortune by releasing a limited number of copies that will go to the highest bidder. When the person who originally buys the piece later sells it for a higher value, both the creator and seller will get a cut, and this process repeats itself every time the item is sold. This bodes well for musicians who have quickly taken a leap into this new realm. According to NME, “NFTs bypass streaming and traditional download markets and put the money straight into the bands’ pockets, which is a major draw at a time when large gigs still seem a way off and streaming services pay worse than a week’s work experience at Amazon” (Beaumont). This new alternative has some music streaming apps scrambling to respond before they become irrelevant.

    SoundCloud is a music app known for advocating for creators, and they have recently taken this relationship to the next level. Engadget says “If SoundCloud were to allow you to pay and tip your favorite artists, it would be the first streaming platform to do so and move it closer to a company like Bandcamp” (Bonifacic). Now while this move may not be directly related to the spike in popularity of NFT’s, a revolution of some sorts is on the horizon. Other apps like United Masters have also tried to break the mold of the music industry and allow artists to reap all of the benefits.

    There is no question that NFT’s can change the way we operate as a technological society. Huge influencers and celebrities have already begun selling pieces online, and they can reach almost anyone with their online presence. For example, SportsPro illustrates that “Messi, who tops the list with a total score of 115, has the broadest reach of any athlete, providing a platform for commercial partners like Adidas, Pepsi, Lays and Gatorade to engage with upwards of 157 million followers” (Carp). If Messi were to release any type of NFT, the sale price would be astounding simply due to how many fans he has acquired over his career. This new market has the potential to become a long-term trend and source of revenue for those who are willing to learn how the system works.

    I believe that with the combination of cryptocurrency and the NFT market, the internet is about to evolve into another dimension. We may still have a lot to learn but early indicators of success suggest that NFT’s are here to stay.

    1. Works Cited

      Beaumont, Mark. “WTF Is an NFT? Kings Of Leon’s Weird Non-Fungible Token Thing – Explained!” NME, 8 Mar. 2021,

      Bonifacic, I. “SoundCloud May Let Fans Support Artists Directly.” Engadget, 2021,

      Carp, Sam. “What Makes These the 50 Most Marketable Athletes?” SportsPro’s 50 Most Marketable, 2 Oct. 2020,

  6. Sumer Perratti (1)
    Although “trend” is not necessarily the term that I would use to describe inclusion, I would say that the most important change implemented throughout the media industry is diversity and equitable representation for marginalized groups. Over the course of the last decade, particularly within the last year, the media industry has rightfully been criticized for its lack of proper representation and inclusion toward people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, disabled persons, women and non-Christian religious groups. This exclusion has been visible throughout virtually every industry within media: in film, radio, social media, sports media and even music. With the rise of social advocacy and public demand for institutional change, the media industry has begun to implement real change both on-screen and behind-the-scenes.

    1. Perratti (2)
      According to the USCAnnenberg Inclusion Initiative Report on “Inclusion in the Recording Studio,” there was a 3.4 percent increase in female songwriters within the music industry since 2012. Then as well, the percentage of music artists of color increased by 17.7 percent since 2012. While these changes within the music industry are not explosive, it is important to pay attention to this data for its impact on both professionals and consumers. While non-white, non-male professionals in the music industry are gradually receiving a greater chance at exceeding compared to their counterparts, consumers of the content have more of a chance to hear music from people who look like them. Moreover, a Variety article titled “Oscars Nominate Most Diverse Acting Slate Ever, Including First Asian American Best Actor” describes the milestones of progress that the Oscars, who are notoriously known for their lack of diversity, particularly “nine actors of color” earning Academy Award nominations (Vary). While the film industry still has a significant amount of work to do in terms of diversity, it is promising to see professionals of color being recognized for their dedication to the industry. In the same respect as the music industry, it is important for this inclusion to be employed, as viewers of the content who historically have not been represented in film will have an opportunity for proper representation and inclusivity. This, in turn, creates opportunities for young people belonging to marginalized groups to take a chance in the media industry of their choice, with the belief that they can succeed despite their minority status. Finally, another example of diversity being implemented into the media industry is visible within celebrity culture. Rihanna’s new apparent venture of Fenty Hair, according to The Guardian, is a step toward direct inclusivity for Black women in the beauty industry: “Like other arms of the Fenty brand, it is expected that Fenty Hair will push an ethos of inclusivity and diversity, which, in market terms, are key brand qualities for younger, generation Z shoppers. Not to mention the industry’s acknowledgement around the importance of giving shelf space – the 15% pledge – to black-owned brands” (Elan). Celebrities like Rihanna who have a platform to promote and create real change is a clear example of diversity, equity and inclusion being addressed and recognized in the Hollywood industry. Through use of social media, celebrities can inspire their followings to further advocate and demand for proper representation. This sort of promotion is slowly but surely evolving within the media industry and will hopefully increase at dramatic rates in the near future.

    2. Perratti (3: Works Cited)
      Elan, Priya. "Rihanna to Launch Fenty Brand Black Haircare Product Line." The Guardian 13 March 2021,

      Smith, Stacy L. et al. "Inclusion in the Recording Studio?" USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative. January 2020.

      Vary, Adam B. "Oscars Nominate Most Diverse Acting Slate Ever, Including First Asian American Best Actor." Variety 15 March 2021,

  7. The most impactful trend in the media industry today is accessibility. People everywhere are eager for content and satisfaction in the quickest and most convenient way possible. This is seen in the popularity of streaming services as they come out one after another, and the growth of social media as power platforms show their monetary value for many parties. As a result, parts of the media industry have been altered by this trend. News is more quickly consumed and often reported on social media directly on our smartphones, while popular movies and shows are only available through specific streaming services instead of on linear broadcasting.

    Award shows have shown just how popular streaming has become, dominating award winners. The 2020 Golden Globes did not have a single broadcast network show winner, and “four streaming services were on the list of TV distributors that scored the most nominations (Netfilx, Hulu, Amazon, Apple). This year, that number increased to six with the addition of HBO Max and Disney Plus.” (Otterson) In terms of recognition, streaming services seem to be winning that battle. Thus, their popularity is also superior to that of broadcast network shows. This will force many networks into having to create a platform of their own, or be completely washed away by the rising streaming landscape. This all comes down to accessibility. Yes, platforms are forcing consumers to flock to these platforms to watch specific shows, old and new. However, the accessibility of watching content in your room or on your phone at your own pace and time is a lifestyle feature that broadcast networks can’t replicate. That is the key to why streaming services have taken off and are being created more and more as of late. Covid has also had a hand in making streaming more preferable, as lockdowns were initiated globally. Nonetheless, the pandemic left “a permanently altered media landscape, with video streaming accounting for a larger share of overall media consumption than in previous years.” (Tops)

    The sheer power and control that social media has is also driven by the accessibility that different platforms provide. Platforms such as Twitch and Facebook offer gaming and content creator streams at the touch of a screen, and those such as instagram and twitter give them insight into celebrity icons and even personal friends and family. The social media industry has really boomed and a product of that is the rising industry of content creators and influencers. Apps like TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram have given people the chance to grow a following and community and monetize off of that. The personal connection to followers, and how easy it is to share or post something makes social media a perfect place for marketing and building a brand. According to Brandon Perlman, Founder and CEO of Social Studies, Inc. “2021 is the year we believe influencer marketing will be seen as its own media channel outside of tactical ‘problem solving’ or ‘nice to have content.” (Carbone) It is clear that social media’s accessibility in terms of ease to use and direct connection to fans and consumers is a key reason why it has gotten so popular.

    The versatility and influential power of social media sites are rooted in the accessibility to consumers and marketing opportunities. Streaming services offer favorite shows and movies at the touch of a button anytime they want, reshaping how movies and shows are being released in the present day. Both of these two media giants, social media and streaming platforms, both root back to accessibility as their key characteristic that drives success.

    Otterson, Joe. "Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up." Variety 3 Feb. 2021,

    "Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped," 12 Jan. 2021,

    Carbone, Lexie. "Top 8 Influencer Marketing Trends Coming in 2021." Later 5 Dec. 2020.

  8. I think the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having a huge impact is the usage of streaming services. It is no question that streaming services have always been popular, but with COVID-19 making an entrance into our lives, the usage has been increasing more than ever. It is so easy for us to go online now and watch whatever we want, when we want, that I personally think cable means nothing to me now. Because of quarantining during the pandemic, people turned to streaming shows and movies to pass time because it was a good source of entertainment. This helped services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ do extremely well over the past year. The reason it has impacted us as users/consumers and professionals is because we as the users, are using the services to watch what we want. The professionals who are featured in the movies/shows we watch profit off of our usage. It was found in the article, “Tops of 2020: Nielsen streaming unwrapped” that the most watched content on streaming services weren’t the original shows featured, it was the older shows that took off on TV first. I found this very interesting because this goes to show that quarantine had this impact on how well the shows did and that people had a lot of time to binge watch older shows. The pandemic is not coming to an end soon, and I personally believe that these streaming services will only do better than they already are doing in the future. In an article featured on, they talked more about COVID-19’s impact on our media and entertainment, providing us with numbers and graphs. When looking at the graphs listed, they showed a wide range of media activities in 2020 from watching YouTube videos, to reading blog/articles, to watching content on streaming services. It was said that “streaming video content was seen as the greatest increase”. With the large usage streaming services are getting right now, it leads us to believe that these companies will continue to improve their services. I am assuming they only keep adding more content as time goes on or even partner up with different companies to continue their increase in subscriptions. Therefore, this trend will only continue to grow larger. Disney+ is doing so well bringing in their Star Wars and Marvel collections, that it is opening themselves up to a wider audience. They received their first nomination from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (Otterson). The drama series “The Mandalorian” has caught the attention of younger and older audiences, being a “worldwide phenomenon”. All of the points provided goes to show that people are finding streaming services as a source of entertainment and are finding it better than other options. It is doing well because you can watch whatever you want and it’s in the comfort of your own home. This is why I believe it is the most important trend right now.

    Bridge, Gavin. “Riding the Third Wave: COVID-19's Impact on Media & Entertainment.” Variety, Variety, 30 Mar. 2021,
    Otterson, Joe. “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up.” Variety, Variety, 4 Feb. 2021,
    “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped.” Nielsen, 1 Dec. 2021,

  9. One of the most important trends across all media industries is the proliferation of streaming services these days. No matter what the media is that you are consuming now, there’s a good chance you're doing it on a streaming service. From music to podcasts, to movies and TV. Everything is on a streaming service. The rise of streaming services I believe will only lead to the death of more traditional ways of consuming media. That combined with the fact that the pandemic sent everyone home and caused a huge growth in streaming, traditional ways of consuming media is destined to die even faster.

    If we look at streaming in 2020, the total number of subscribers for online streaming services exceeded over 1 billion subscribers. That was attributed to a 26% gain in subscribers compared to 2019. In 2020 alone, Netflix gained more than 36 million new subscribers and ended the year with 204 million users(Jarvey). Disney Plus as well, had huge gains in 2020. With 87 million subscribers Disney Plus beat everyones expectations and they are expected to add another 230 to 260 million subscribers within the next 3 years. These are huge numbers for Disney and shows how much the move towards streaming will continue to grow within the next few years. Also, between the months of March and August in America, people consumed over 4 trillion minutes of content on streaming services and this number is only continuing to grow(Porter). The pandemic has also caused new ways for these streaming services to have success. Due to theaters being closed HBO was releasing all its new movie releases on their streaming service HBO Max, and Disney has been releasing its theatrical releases on Disney Plus behind a paywall, but it has been to great popularity and success. We have seen the impacts this has had on the box office as well. The US box office fell by 80%, and globally it was 72%(McClintock). The move towards streaming over the past decade, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic caused this trend to only get even larger. People like the ease of consuming media. With streaming everything is where you want it. No need to search through TV channels, or only watch movies when they are in theaters. Streaming has made consuming media super easy for everyone. Whether it be movies or music it is putting traditional ways we see media out of business. Movies theaters were already struggling, and with the pandemic it'll only be quicker. I also can’t think of the last time I’ve seen a record store. Music streaming has all but knocked out the practice of buying physical songs. It even made iTunes obsolete. I only stream my TV shows and movies, and can’t think of a roommate or friend who doesn’t do the same. The way streaming has been able to make all forms of media accessible to millions around the world and manage to make our traditional media institutions struggle shows how important and historic this new technology is.

  10. Jarvey, Natalie. “Netflix Tops 200 Million Subscribers Amid Pandemic.” The Hollywood Reporter, 19 Jan. 2021,
    McClintock, Pamela. “U.S. Box Office Fell 80 Percent in 2020 as Streaming Boomed.” The Hollywood Reporter, 18 Mar. 2021,
    Porter, Rick. “TV Long View: The Numbers Behind Media Giants' All-In Streaming Plays.” The Hollywood Reporter, 12 Dec. 2020,

  11. Rachel Feliciano
    Dr. Burns
    April 15, 2021

    Blog Post 8 (1/2)

    There are so many trends cutting across all media industries that have the biggest impact on both professionals and users/consumers. Professionals are looking to include themselves in current trends to stay relevant, whereas users/consumers are hopping on these trends to feel socially included.

    An example of a trend that is cutting across all media industries would be celebrities coming out with their own lines of product. This trend has a huge impact on professionals due to their shift in their branding. Rihanna initially came out with a fashion line naming it “Fenty”, this fashion later carried over to a make-up line “Fenty Beauty”, then a skincare line “Fenty Skin”, and now is making its way to “Fenty Hair”. The reason Rihanna broadened horizons for her company is to stay on trend with the media about what users/consumers are interested in. Rihanna’s make-up line “Fenty Beauty” was able to “set an industry standard” (Elan, 2021). Creating forty different shades of skin tones allows Fenty Beauty to be a part of one of the most important trends for the make-up industry and all media industries. This makes consumers feel included by the color range of tones while also being a part of the social conversation of trends.

    Diversity is another important trend cutting across all media industries. Bad Bunny, a Puerto Rican rapper with “more than 8.3 billion streams this year from fans around the globe” according to “Trends That Shaped Streaming”, has set a trend for all media industries due to his Spanish music that is liked by so many. Most people do not like to listen to music they do not understand the words to, but creating an inclusive community for people to listen to diverse music they may not know will allow these trends to grow. This not only impacts the listeners but impacts the artist Bad Bunny to continue creating music that is different, yet enjoyable for just about anyone whether they speak Spanish or not. This trend can affect all media industries because this is the current trending music everyone is listening to, causing these media industries to want some kind of part in the conversations.

  12. When it comes to professionals joining new trends, there are rules to be followed to be cautious of how you're going about things in the right way. In an article from Forbes, they list five different trends that they think should be followed. The trends listed that stood out to me most were “Act On Your Values and Quality Is Better Than Quantity” (YEC, 2021), because when you are on the internet or involved in the media as a trending figure there needs to be a unique reason why users/consumers are interested. Being able to act on your values allows your consumers to believe that the influencer or celebrity is being transparent and standing up for what they believe in, while also refocusing time to share less content but more quality posts to connect with the users/consumers.

    Important trends throughout the media are only expanding because there are so many important issues that need to be made aware of. Inclusivity is most definitely the most vigilant trend for all, whether it is forty different shades of face makeup or a song in a different language. The word different needs to be accepted and included for both professionals and users/consumers because trends would not go viral if everyone was not a part of it.

    Work Cited

    Elan, Priya. "Rihanna to Launch Fenty Brand Black Haircare Product Line." The Guardian 13 March 2021,

    "The Trends That Shaped Streaming in 2020." Spotify Newsroom 1 Dec. 2021,

    YEC. “Council Post: Five Social Media Trends You Need To Follow In 2021.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 11 Feb. 2021,


Media Trends Blog 8, Question 1 (Thursday, April 15th)

What do you think is the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having the biggest impact on both professional...