Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Media Trends Blog 8, Question 1 (Thursday, April 15th)

What do you think is the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having the biggest impact on both professionals and users/consumers?

*Note: For the final blog posting, you must still use three readings to support your responses. They can be from any point in the semester and they must be assigned readings for the class (no additional outside article/source required).  Limit: 9 responses

Media Trends Blog 8, Question 2 (Thursday, April 15th)

Which two industries do you think will undergo the most change in the next 10 years? How will media professionals and users/consumers be impacted by those changes? 

*Note: For the final blog posting, you must still use three readings to support your responses. They can be from any point in the semester and they must be assigned readings for the class (no additional outside article/source required).  Limit: 9 responses

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Celebrity & Sports Blog 7, Question 1 (March 30th)

Which celebrity has the strongest overall brand? What makes the brand so strong and what are some of the ways that the celebrity leverages their brand in the marketplace? Which celebrity’s brand needs to be revamped and why? What are some of the current problems with the brand? Limit: 6 responses

Celebrity & Sports Blog 7, Question 2 (March 30th)

Why is branding so important in sports? How is it similar to, and different from, celebrity branding?  What are some of the ways that successful athletes and franchises leverage their brands in the marketplace?  Limit: 6 responses

Celebrity & Sports Blog 7, Question 3 (March 30th)

Has sports media reached a tipping point in its reliance on traditional/legacy media? What changes, if any, do you expect to see over the next 3 – 5 years?  Limit: 6 responses

Media Trends Blog 8, Question 1 (Thursday, April 15th)

What do you think is the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having the biggest impact on both professional...